ILATSA Scholarship Program

As part of ILATSA’s mission is to strengthen the field of professionals that serve individuals who sexually offend, it is important that young professionals have opportunities to learn and grow in the field.  To this end, ILATSA has developed a scholarship program for students seeking an advanced degree with the intention of becoming a provider that serves individuals who have sexually offended. 

Scholarship Information:

Two scholarships have been created that will be issued once a calendar year.  One is for $3,000, and the other is for $1,000, which are to be paid directly to the student with the goal of funding their tuition or their research.  Students must demonstrate the following to apply:

  1. The student must be currently enrolled in a program for an advanced degree.
  2. The student must state that they intend to work in a field that serves individuals who have sexually offended.
  3. Students must meet the ATSA requirements for student membership.
  4. The student must engage in a research project involving individuals that sexually offend.
  5. Research has been approved by the IRB.
  6. If the student is awarded the $1,000 scholarship, the student agrees to present a poster presentation on their research at the next ILATSA conference.
  7. If the student is awarded the $3,000 scholarship, the student agrees to present a break out presentation on their research at the next ILATSA conference.

The student will receive the following:

The student will receive a one year student membership to ATSA, paid for by ILATSA.

The student will become a student board member for one year and can apply to be an intern, if desired.

The student will receive either $3,000 or $1,000 paid directly to them upon the completion of the conference in which they present.  Half will be paid upon award, and the other half will be received upon completion of the presentation/conference break out.

The student will choose which scholarship they are applying for, or may elect to apply for both.

How to Apply:

To apply, the student must complete and send a student application for ATSA membership (see details here:, a cover letter describing how the student meets the above qualifications and why they want to serve this population, provide a copy of the IRB approval for that research and provide one reference letter from a faculty member at the student’s school to Questions should be directed to

Decisions on scholarships will be made by the September annual meeting each year.  Applications are accepted throughout the year.