Find a Licensed Sex Offender Therapist or Evaluator Here

Please be advised that the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations (IDFPR) now licenses sex offender evaluators and treatment providers in the state of Illinois. The following link is provided for users to access IDFPR’s website.  Listed providers on this website may or may not belong to ATSA/ILATSA. ILATSA does not license, certify, or endorse individuals or organizations.

The Safer Society Press also maintains a list of treatment providers for providers across the United States.  Listed providers on this website may or may not belong to ATSA/ILATSA.  ILATSA does not license, certify, or endorse individuals or organizations.

Are you a therapist, evaluator or attorney who is looking for resources or information on the treatment or evaluation of individuals who have sexually offended?  Feel free to contact us at 630-384-9887 or so that we can connect you to one of our members.